Prior Permission Request
Thank you for notification of your flight arriving as scheduled below. The Monroe County Airport (BMG,) welcomes the opportunity to accommodate your operation and provide Aircraft Rescue & Firefighting (ARFF) services per your request.

MCA does not provide continuous Part 139 ARFF Coverage; these services are contracted and coordinated based upon prior permission as stated on the FAA form 5010-1. For your operation, ARFF services will be available as indicated in our Airport Certification Manual (unscheduled operations 15 minutes before arrival to 15 minutes after your departure). Monroe County Airport levies a fee of $300 for these services (that includes one takeoff and one landing) that will be processed at month’s end.


Deviations from the scheduled operation must be coordinated with the BMG, Admin Office at (812) 825-5406 Monday thru Friday 8 am – 4 pm EST. If the operation occurs outside business hours, Airport Operations (812-668-6307) MUST be contacted at least 90 minutes in advance to ensure proper ARFF coverage.

Without proper notification; any deviation from scheduled arrival or departure times will result in an additional $300 charge. Neither will MCA be responsible for any ARFF coverage, or the lack thereof.

The Monroe County Board of Aviation Commissioners has resolved that ARFF fees delinquent beyond 60 days from date of invoice must be assessed a penalty of $100.00 in addition to $100.00 per month until paid in full. In extreme cases, the airport may deny prior permission for services until such fees are paid in full.

The Monroe County Board of Aviation Commissioners has resolved that ARFF fees delinquent beyond 60 days from date of invoice must be assessed a penalty of $100.00 in addition to $100.00 per month until paid in full. In extreme cases, the airport may deny prior permission for services until such fees are paid in full.

    Authorized representative must fill out and Submit